Sunday, September 30, 2012


This picture inspired me because there is 3 different scences in this picture. I compared this pictures to my life because I am one person but I always have multiple things going on even though I am one person. At diffrerent times of the day I can be a different way  when im at work im a boss, then I become a student, and sometimes im a mentor so when I compare this pitcutre to my life it shows the different scenes I exhibit on the daily basis.

This remided me of my hometown NYC. The lights remind me of 42nd st which is a place in NYC where there are a lot of lights and tourist attractions. I feel a bit sad when looking at this because I start to miss my hometown. 

This has an impact on me because I see this piece as a person who has their hands tied constantly. This reminds me of myself because I have many responsibilities and sometimes I get put in positions where I feel stuck and tied down

I would like to know more about this picture because it has a dark and revolting feel to this and I would like to know what started this because it seems like the city is on fire. 
This picture impacted me because these scultpures all have the same structures bur look differently. They all tell a different story from their facial features. This shows me that even though things or people may look the same everyone and everything is different their own way.

 I like this pottery a lot and I would like to know the meaning about the three horses on the top of the pot.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Logo

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo?

When it came to creating my logo I just got inspiration by what interested me the most and what I would like people to know about me. For me this assignment was fun it helped me bring out my creative side, which I don’t use often in an artistic way.
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
The process while creating my logos was very interesting to me I just got a lot of inspiration by thinking about myself things I like to do and things that inspire me. For example in my logo I used a lot of color because I am a colorful person and I put hearts because I am a loving person.

3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
One of the most important discoveries I made while in the process of creating my logos was how really creative someone could be if you actually put your mind into something you really are motivated about. Another thing I discovered was that when I was just open minded many ideas came to my head when it came to the designs, patterns, and colors of my product. I thought of myself as the product in the creation of my logo and I tried to incorporate things about myself as if I was selling myself to the world.

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, PowerPoint, and reading material for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
The most important information I learned overall from watching the videos, PowerPoint, and reading material were how much time and energy it takes to create a logo. There is a lot of thinking that goes into logo making because the company has to portray the correct image

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Color Wheel & Value Scale

Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.

1. I liked creating the

value scale and color wheel. This project took me back to a time when I used to paint in elementary school. I learned a lot and it was a sense of relief and I did a lot of thinking during this time. This project was not only a learning experience but it was also a stress reliever. I think this is something that I am going to do more often.
2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?
The media that I enjoyed working with better was the pencil I liked the pencil because it was easier to control my shading. I could go deeper if I wanted it to or erase and go lighter if I wanted to.
3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
The most important discovery was how I could combine two colors to make another. I saw this as a financial piece of advise because if I ever wanted to get into painting I would just use the colors I have to create the colors I want instead of going to buy the shade of color I want.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
The most important information that I learned was, learning the difference between the primary colors of red, blue and yellow and the primary colors of cyan, yellow, and magenta. Without that information I would of struggled harshly making my color wheel.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Project #1

·      Line: This is a picture of a tattoo I saw it has a wide variation of lines.
·      Shape: This is a picture of a drawing I saw and the artist used circles and other different shapes to form this picture.
·      Form: This picture is of a poster of a three dimensional object.
·      Space: This is a picture of a photo I have in my room the hands form a heart but theirs space in between and on the outside of the hearts.
·      Texture: This is a picture of the floor in my friend’s house. It looks rough but the floor is actually smooth.
·      Balance: This is a picture of a painting I saw and this painting has an asymmetrical balance.
·      Emphasis: This is a picture of a flower in a pond the emphasis is on the flower because it’s the only aspect that has color that stands out.
·      Movement: This is a picture of a picture of in the nail salon and the lines on her nails makes your eyes move and follow the flow of the design.
·      Pattern: This is a picture of a pattern in a church this design is constant which makes it a pattern.
·      Repetition:  This a picture of seats in a room and all of the seats are the same color and size and the same amount the
·      Proportion: This is a picture of colored bricks that fit into each other because they are all the correct proportion.
·      Rhythm: This is a picture of a painting of people dancing which shows rhythm because the all the dancers look the same and they are painted in an organized order to create a rhythm.
·      Unity: This picture of a building and this shows unity because each side of the building compliments each color.
·      Color- this is a picture of a picture my roommate has and this picture has an array of colors.
·      Variety: This is a picture of my flowers and theirs a variety of flowers in this bouquet which keeps the viewers attention

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Colors & Emotions

1. Describe Color and its effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.

Color is the visual quality of things and this is a result of the light that is emitted. I also learned that color has a big play on our emotions as humans. In the text I learned that restaurants like to use red décor because it increases peoples appetites. Also I learned that the color blue can lowers a person’s pulse, respiration rate, and blood pressure.

2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
A theoretical aspect of color that I find most intriguing is its connection to emotion. This aspect of color is fascinating to me because I can relate to it. If someone asked me to pick I color that describes the way I feel I could. I would pick bright colors if I were happy and a dark color if I were sad or depressed. I would use earth tone colors when I’m mellow and much more. When I realized I could associate my feelings with colors I was amazed.

3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions?

In the color video, at one point June was back in London trying to paint what she saw in Venice, and she had used a lot of dark reds and oranges. When she said painting with vibrant color makes her feel young, like when she was five again, I realized how much color influences the artist and people.

4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions? 

In the feelings video, Goya's paintings jumped out at me the most. The paintings from when he was in his mid 40s and later were extremely dark and scary. These paintings had a very heavy darkness to them, and seemed to be very harsh. I could feel the misery of the people within the paintings. I found this interesting because when I associated my feelings to colors I referred to the darker colors as my miserable and depressed emotions.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Aesthetics: Philosophy of the Arts & CARTA: Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics Video Review

The first video on Philosophy of the arts explained legendary artist and how each artist interpreted their art. This video also explained the concept art being a form of beauty. It showed that how art is viewed differently and has a different affect on people. During 15th century art was important. Art was not only used as a form of feeling, it was used as a form of getting people as a form of governing people by getting people to live in fear, harmony, and order. In the second video Ramachandran shows how people identify things through visual perception and stimulation of the brain. They also gave their intuitions of neurobiology, aesthetics, and human experience. Jean-Pierre Change shares his thoughts on human evolution’s connection to art, by analyzing the brain.

Plato’s theory of beauty is the most important theory on aesthetics in my perspective. During this time in history, which was the 4th century BC, Plato spread the idea of beauty through art. He believed that everyone interpreted things differently; however, beauty exists in everything. Plato believed that beauty is what attracts that person to a place or another person. His idea was a betrayal against the idea of art its what you make of it. This idea is still relevant today because a lot people try to find beauty in art.

Changeux and Ramachandran have different scientific views of aesthetics and art. Changeux believes that art is based on emotion. He believes that the emotion behind the piece is what brings attraction to it. His brain diagrams and explanations to his theory were very descriptive. Ramachandran believes art is a genuine feeling and meaning. Art is when it has a meaning and artistic appeal of creation behind a particular art piece. Ramachandran's 8 Laws of Aesthetics explained concepts such as the symmetry, contrast, as well as groupings in species, societies or across time. The most interesting fact from Changeux was his slide on the brain imaging of surprise and the most interesting fact from Ramachandran was his concept of visual art and how signals are sent back and forth through the brain.

From the videos and chapter it is clear that there is no exact definition of art. Art is an interpretation and because everyone perceives things differently Art has many definitions and interpretations. Some people believe art is a feeling, some believe art is beauty, and other people disagree with both. This is a prime example of how art and its meaning changes from each person interpretation.

My opinion on the films and how they add to the readings in the book are that art has unlimited meanings and interpretations. From looking at all the interpretations and theories from the video it is evident that there is a wide range of perceptions of art in the world. What amazes me is people know that everyone perceives art differently but still try to create theories and laws for a subject so broad.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Getting Started

Today I made my Gmail and Blooger account and it was very confusing. It took me a while to understand how to set up each account correctly but eventually I figured it out. I expect to learn alot in this course. I think I will be able to learn about art and its relation to different times in history. Also, I will learn about the art pieces in the galleries around Buffalo State and much more. I am excited about taking an online course because I still have to do the same amount of work as an in class course but its all electronic which makes it more convenient for me to manage my time accordingly.