This picture inspired me because there is 3 different scences in this picture. I compared this pictures to my life because I am one person but I always have multiple things going on even though I am one person. At diffrerent times of the day I can be a different way when im at work im a boss, then I become a student, and sometimes im a mentor so when I compare this pitcutre to my life it shows the different scenes I exhibit on the daily basis.
This remided me of my hometown NYC. The lights remind me of 42nd st which is a place in NYC where there are a lot of lights and tourist attractions. I feel a bit sad when looking at this because I start to miss my hometown.
This has an impact on me because I see this piece as a person who has their hands tied constantly. This reminds me of myself because I have many responsibilities and sometimes I get put in positions where I feel stuck and tied down
I would like to know more about this picture because it has a dark and revolting feel to this and I would like to know what started this because it seems like the city is on fire.
This picture impacted me because these scultpures all have the same structures bur look differently. They all tell a different story from their facial features. This shows me that even though things or people may look the same everyone and everything is different their own way.