Sunday, September 16, 2012

Project #1

·      Line: This is a picture of a tattoo I saw it has a wide variation of lines.
·      Shape: This is a picture of a drawing I saw and the artist used circles and other different shapes to form this picture.
·      Form: This picture is of a poster of a three dimensional object.
·      Space: This is a picture of a photo I have in my room the hands form a heart but theirs space in between and on the outside of the hearts.
·      Texture: This is a picture of the floor in my friend’s house. It looks rough but the floor is actually smooth.
·      Balance: This is a picture of a painting I saw and this painting has an asymmetrical balance.
·      Emphasis: This is a picture of a flower in a pond the emphasis is on the flower because it’s the only aspect that has color that stands out.
·      Movement: This is a picture of a picture of in the nail salon and the lines on her nails makes your eyes move and follow the flow of the design.
·      Pattern: This is a picture of a pattern in a church this design is constant which makes it a pattern.
·      Repetition:  This a picture of seats in a room and all of the seats are the same color and size and the same amount the
·      Proportion: This is a picture of colored bricks that fit into each other because they are all the correct proportion.
·      Rhythm: This is a picture of a painting of people dancing which shows rhythm because the all the dancers look the same and they are painted in an organized order to create a rhythm.
·      Unity: This picture of a building and this shows unity because each side of the building compliments each color.
·      Color- this is a picture of a picture my roommate has and this picture has an array of colors.
·      Variety: This is a picture of my flowers and theirs a variety of flowers in this bouquet which keeps the viewers attention

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