Sunday, November 11, 2012

Art Exhibition 2

Step 1: The Exhibition
 1. What is the title of the exhibit? The title of the exhibits that I looked at were Mccallum Tarry: Intersections and Spain: Rock; Roll, Rumbles, Rebels & Revolution. This exhibition is a retrospective of the graphic, iconic works, and characters of Spain Rodriquez
2. What is the theme of the exhibition? The Mccallum Tarry Exhibition challenged audiences to face the issues of racial inequality in communities, history, and the family. The Spain: Rock; Roll, Rumbles, Rebels & Revolution.
Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:
1. What type of lighting is used? The was regular fluorescent lights
2. What colors are used on the walls? The walls were off white in the Spain exhibits and the Tarry Mccallum exhibit had different colored walls, some were red, white and some were cream with burgundy colored designs.

3. What materials are used in the interior architecture of the space?
The Mccallum Tarry exhibition had a lot of pictures on the wall and had a video projection. The Spain: Rock; Roll, Rumbles, Rebels & Revolution had some artifacts such as a leather jacket, some pictures on the wall, and cardboard cutouts
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
The movement is good because the art flows well and the were not too far apart from each other which allowed the viewer to walk through at a good speed and not be confused of which exhibit they are viewing.
1. How are the artworks organized? The art works are on the walls for both exhibits
2. How are the artwork’s similar? The art works are mostly black and white for the Mccallum Tarry exhibit. The Spain: Rock; Roll, Rumbles, Rebels & Revolution had similar pieces there was more than one cardboard cut out and the majority of the art had a carton theme.

3. How are the artworks different?
The art works were very similar in both exhibits all of the pieces followed the theme well.
4. How are the artworks framed?
The art works in the Tarry Mccallum exhibits were in circular and square frames and the works in the Spain: Rock; Roll, Rumbles, Rebels & Revolution had no frames.
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
The some of the works were identified and labeled in the Spain exhibits and they were not identified in the Tarry Mccallum exhibit.

6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other? 
The artworks of both exhibitions were in close proximity the art works were close to each other.
1.    Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
I see a rock and roll inspired leather jacket.
2.   Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used? This jacket has unity and proportion because the logo and the words on the back of the jacket in proportion to the rest of the jacket making the jacket unity.

3.  Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography)  This reminds me of the new fashion trend because motorcycle and rock n roll inspired jackets are in style.

4.   Interpretation - (content)  What do you think the artist was trying
I think the artist was trying to show the fashion of the rock n roll era.

1.   Description – Describe what you see (subject matter)? This is a picture of different African Americans mugshots.

3.   Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used? This has variety because although there are all pictures of mug shots, each frame is a different shape and a different size.

2.   Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography)
This reminds me of the civil rights movement era because during this time many African Americans were standing up for their rights even though it resulted in being arrested.
4.  Interpretation - (content)  What do you think the artist was trying to say? I think the author was trying to show how many people fought for their rights and how important the civil rights movement was.

1.    Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
This is a picture of the Klu Klux Klan.

2.   Formal analysis – (form) What principles and elements were used and how are they used? This picture has repetition because each person has the same outfit on and there is more than one person showing repetition.

3.   Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography) I know that this is associated with the with Civil Rights Era but this does not remind me of the movie The Great Debators when the KKK lynched a African American man in the woods.

4.  Interpretation - (content)  What do you think the artist was trying to say? I think that the artist was trying to show the relevance of the KKK to this revolution and how it had an impact on the African Americans.

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