Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blog Topic: Video Review

Module #6:
Blog: Video Review:

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In the first video “Through the Eyes of the Sculptor” I learned the full process that goes into creating a sculpture. I learned that determine the use of a rock by knocking on the stone. The sound indicates whether the stone is solid or has a crack. I also learned that many sculptures take form in marble, clay, and stone.  

In the second video “Glass and Ceramics”, I learned about glass blowing and stained glass windows, which are the two traditional glass-making techniques. I learned that glass is made from sand that is set on fire with other components. The creation of a glass cup itself takes a lot of firing twisting and turning.

In the last video “Installation Art” I got to learn about what defines installation of art, which is anything that takes up space and defines the space. I also learned that its one of the most popular things to do and it all depends on what the artist wants to do.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
I felt that the readings from the textbook related to the videos and gave me a brief idea of the topics I would be learning about in the video. Then the video gave more in-depth information of each topic. For example, the text book talked about the different materials used when making a sculpture in the video I got to see those exact materials used however, through the video I got to see what it looks like the title it has during the process of making a piece of work.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?
I felt that the first two films “Through the Eyes of the Sculptor” and “Glass and Ceramics” were the most interesting because the videos were entertaining. I also felt that those two videos were the most informative. On the other hand, the last video wasn’t intriguing to me I got bored with it pretty quickly. However, these videos add depth to my understanding because I get to see how the tools described in the textbook are used.

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